
Rr Pilates

Renée risley Pilates is a small private studio in Annapolis, Maryland. Rr Pilates follows the original teachings of Joseph Pilates, The Pilates Method of Body Conditioning, a unique exercise system emphasizing concentration and control with the integration of flexibility, strength, precision, breath, flow of movement, and awareness between the body and the mind.


What is Pilates? Pilates is a unique system of stretching and strengthening exercises developed over 80 years ago by Joseph Pilates. Pilates is great for anyone who wants to tone, streamline and realign their body. You will not only streamline your body, but it will dramatically improve your posture and flexibility.

Discover how Pilates can transform your body. The benefits are many ... from better posture, to a flat tummy, improved flexibility, relieves chronic and acute back pain, and increases athletic performance, just to name a few. 

“After 10 sessions you will feel a difference. After 20 sessions you will see a difference. After 30 sessions you will have a new body.” Joseph Pilates

An individual session combines the mat work and reformer to allow the client to reach their fitness goals. It is recommended that you participate in at least 2 Pilates sessions or classes a week to see the benefits of Pilates.

It is one of the only exercise systems that work from the inside out and strengthens what Pilates called the "powerhouse." The "powerhouse" is the deepest muscles in the abdomen, inner thighs, buttocks and lower back.

Mat Work

Joseph Pilates' research and education encompassed western and eastern medicine, yoga, ancient Greek philosophies, karate, anatomy, mathematics, and engineering. Over his lifetime he developed a unique scientific system of body conditioning that transformed the health and bodies of those who practiced his method. The basis of his work is a series of exercises performed on a mat. The mat work emphasizes quality and precision rather than quantity of repetitions. Each exercise, performed in sequence, is designed not only to strengthen and stretch but to integrate your body's muscles so that correct form and posture become a part of your daily activities throughout life. The mat work teaches us that the most important tool to achieve physical fitness is the body itself.

Apparatus Work

The system developed by Joseph Pilates includes the use of uniquely designed apparatus in conjunction with the mat work. The apparatus utilize straps, springs, and supports, creating isometric resistance with the body's weight to massage, align, stretch, and strengthen muscles. The use of equipment meeting Joseph Pilates' exacting specifications, is directly related to the ability to perform the exercises correctly and to achieving the full benefits of his method.

Who is Renée risley

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Renee Risley, is a third generation Pilates teacher* and has been teaching for over 10 years. She discovered Pilates after her second child was born. Chronic back pain and the desire to lead an active, athletic lifestyle led her to Pilates, after the first session she was hooked. Renee was certified by Peak Pilates in September in 2009 and has been teaching Pilates in Annapolis since 2005. To further her Pilates education, Renee completed the Excel Pilates Mentor Program which lead to her interest in enrolling in the Excel Pilates Teacher Training Program as a bridge student. She is a 2017 graduate of the Excel Pilates Teacher Training Program.